################################################################################ METADATA DETAILS Title: ACSA-2015-001 CVE-2016-1555 - Command injection independently discovered by Chen et. al. Original CVE-2016-1555 enumerates only a part of the whole set of affected products. Timeline: 03 Nov 2014 - [Researcher] discovery 02 Dec 2015 - [Researcher] sends vendor notification at security@netgear.com, public disclosure set for 28 Dec 2015 10 Dec 2015 - [Researcher] sends vendor notification at security@netgear.com with all the details an PoC, public disclosure set for 28 Dec 2015 16 Dec 2015 - [Vendor] replies requesting "a standard 90-days grace period before public disclosure" and to fill "NETGEAR Product Vulnerability Reporting Submission Form.xlsx" 17 Dec 2015 - [Researcher] replies with filled "ACSA-2015-001 - NETGEAR Product Vulnerability Reporting Submission Form.xlsx", agrees to 90-days grace period, asks vendor to created CVE numbers and notify/acknowledge the researcher 12 Jan 2016 - [Researcher] follows-up with the vendor on the status and CVE numbers 04 Mar 2016 - [Researcher] reminds about 90-days grace period and public disclosure 31 Mar 2016 17 Mar 2016 - Expires 90-days grace period 31 Mar 2016 - [Researcher] proceeds to public disclosure Author: Andrei Costin, "FIRMWARE.RE" project andrei@firmware.re Vulnerability discovered using "FIRMWARE.RE" platform/service 0. Vulnerability: a) pre-auth Remote Command Execution/Injection (RCE/RCI), effectively gaining root (webserver user) on the device a*) "web non-admin" authenticated user Remote Command Execution/Injection (RCE/RCI), effectively gaining root (webserver user) on the device b) pre-auth Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) b*) "web non-admin" authenticated user Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) 1. NetGear products WG102 WG103 *WN604 *WNDAP350 *WNDAP360 *WNAP320 *WNAP210 *WNDAP660 *WNDAP620 **WNDAP380R **WNDAP380R(v2) **WN370 **WND930 All these products for the bulk of their firmware versions are prone to "pre-auth command injection via vulnerable web interface module". Product WG103 is affected by "pre-auth command injection via vulnerable web interface module" in *ALL* its current firmware versions, and has no known fix. Products with (*) have fixes in the last 1-2 version(s), but the fix does not remove the core issue. The last 1-2 version(s) are prone to "web non-admin authenticated user Remote Command Execution/Injection" and the issue can be triggered with any "web non-admin" authenticated user. The "web admin" and "web non-admin" authenticated users can be exploited with XSS (in the same module(s) as the one affected by the RCE) to gain access to their cookie/session and then trigger the "command injection". The firmware prior to the last 1-2 version(s) are prone to the original "pre-auth command injection via vulnerable web interface module" where no web user account is required to trigger the RCE and the XSS in the affected module(s). Products with (**) are most likely affected too, but I could not verify them yet. 1.1 Is it for Home / Business / Service Provider, is it a Router, Wifi, Camera, Storage, etc Mainly Business/Pro devices of Router class. 2. What are the requirements to attack the affected products? Being able to ping the affected device and open it's web interface ( or Being connected to the Ethernet or WiFi medium of the product, i.e.: - if WiFi requires WLAN authentication must first WLAN-authenticate; - if WiFi is open or Ethernet LAN is accessible, then there are no other requirements then to be able to access the device web interface ( or 2.1 Since WWW/WAN is also exposed, does it mean that any device of this sort you can find using Shodan on the Internet can be attacked? Yes. https://www.shodan.io/search?query=title%3A%22Netgear%22+PHP 2.2 Does it need to be configured in some way? No. 2.3 Is the default (factory reset) version of the product affected? Yes, as far as I have analyzed. 2.4 Is there a configuration change that can make the product unaffected? (turning off UPnP for example?) No. Products with (*) have fixes in the last 1-2 version(s), but the fix does not remove the core issue. The last 1-2 version(s) are prone to "web non-admin authenticated user Remote Command Execution/Injection" and the issue can be triggered with any "web non-admin" authenticated user. The web admin and "web non-admin" users can be exploited with XSS to gain access to their cookie/session. 3. Regarding the "Pre Auth OS Command Injection" what are the requirements? - Being able to ping the affected device and open it's web interface ( or 3.1 What commands can be injected? Any. 3.2 Can parameters to this command be provided? Yes. 3.3 Is there any restrictions on the command line "characters", for example you can only provide alpha numeric characters? No restrictions as far as I have tested and analyzed. ################################################################################ TECHNICAL DETAILS The mentioned products ship with a set of vulnerable PHP scripts, namely: boardDataWW.php boardDataNA.php boardDataJP.php boardData102.php boardData103.php The "boardData102.php" and "boardData103.php" are mainly shipped in WG103. The other files ship with the other products in the list, and the file "boardDataJP.php" is present only in the latest versions though. These scripts take a vulnerable input in the "macAddress" GET field and use it without sanitization. *** a) In one case, these scripts use the "macAddress" input to prepopulate an input field, which results in XSS. b) At the same time, these scripts use the "macAddress" to write some manufacturer data to the board, via an insecure call to PHP's "exec()" without properly sanitizing the input: exec("wr_mfg_data -m ".$_REQUEST['macAddress']." -c ".$_REQUEST['reginfo'],$dummy,$res); which results in RCE. *** Normally, the access to the vulnerable PHP scripts listed above is UNAUTHENTICATED. The latest versions of firmware for products marked with (*) introduced the "session_check()" call to check for authenticated users. However, they did not fix the root cause of these vulnerabilities, namely sanitizatio of "macAddress" and "reginfo" parameters. The PHP's "echo" and "exec" are still called with UNSANITIZED inputs. This can be abused by users without administrative privileges on the web-interface (non-admin users) to execute code on the affected devices. Also, the XSS vulnerability can be used on authenticated users of the device to steal their session token and then execute code via the RCE vulnerability. ################################################################################ POC DETAILS http://NETGEAR-DEVICE-IP/boardDataNA.php?writeData=true®info=0&macAddress=%20001122334455%20-c%200%20;cp%20/etc/passwd%20/tmp/cmdinjfirm-file-touch;%20echo%20# http://NETGEAR-DEVICE-IP/boardDataNA.php?macAddress=%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert%281%29%3C/script%3E ################################################################################ WG103 Latest FW version: 2.0.37 pre-auth RCE Kernel-space: Linux "2.6.23-WG103_V2.0.37 mod_unload R4X00 32BIT" User-space: BusyBox 1.11.0 2011-07-05 10:46:01 IST /bin addgroup busybox chgrp cp delgroup echo fgrep gunzip ip login mknod mount nice pipe_progress pwd sed stat tar umount vi adduser cat chmod date df egrep getopt gzip kill ls mktemp mountpoint pidof printenv rm sh su touch uname watch ash catv chown dd dmesg false grep hostname ln mkdir more mv ping ps rmdir sleep sync true usleep zcat /usr/bin [ bddatard clear diff du flash_erase fuser ipcs less mkfifo passwd renice setsid sys_reset tftp unix2dos which xargs [[ bunzip2 cmp dirname dumpleases fold head killall logger nmeter pgrep reset sha1sum tail time uptime who yes ar bzcat crontab dos2unix env free hexdump killall5 logname nohup printf resize sort tee top watchdog whoami awk bzip2 cut dropbearconvert expr ftpget id last md5sum od printmd scp ssh telnet tty wc wifidog basename cksum dbclient dropbearkey find ftpput ipcrm length mesg panel_led readlink seq strings test uniq wget wr_mfg_data /sbin arp halt ifrename insmod iwlist lighttpd lsmod poweroff route sulogin syslogd freeramdisk ifconfig ifup iwconfig iwpriv logread modprobe reboot runlevel switch_root udhcpc getty ifdown init iwevent klogd losetup pivot_root rmmod start-stop-daemon sysctl vconfig /usr/local/bin 80211debug destroy_secondary_ip firmware-upgrade-file ntpclient-wrapper set_timezone.sh timezone wpa_supplicant assign_static_ip dhcp firmware-upgrade-ftp hostapd_tr password snmp TZ.sh athdebug dns firmware-upgrade-stage2 http_redirect_tr php ssh udhcpc_wrapper awddebug dumpregs firmware-upgrade-tftp nmbd_tr restart-nmbd support-debug.sh urlValidate.php bridge_and_vlan_translator ethtool_tr firmware-upgrade-wget ntp restart-wifidog syslog verify-config.sh date.sh firmware-error-check hostapd ntpclient restore-configuration telnet wlanconfig ################################################################################ WN604 Latest FW version: 3.3.2 "web non-admin" user RCE Kernel-space: Linux "2.6.15--LSDK- MIPS32_R2 32BIT gcc-3.4" User-space: BusyBox v1.11.0 (2015-06-26 14:38:15 IST) /bin ash cat chown date dmesg egrep fgrep grep hostname kill login md mknod more mv pidof ps rm sed sleep sync touch umount vi busybox chmod cp dd echo false getopt gunzip ip ln ls mkdir mm mount nice ping pwd rmdir sh su tar true uname zcat /usr/bin [ awk bunzip2 crontab dos2unix find fold ftpput id logger mkfifo passwd printmd seq tail test top uptime wget wr_mfg_data [[ basename bzcat cut env flashcp free fuser killall logname nohup pgrep readlink sort tee tftp tty watchdog which xargs arping bddatard cksum dirname expr flash_erase ftpget head length md5sum panel_led printf reset_detect strings telnet time unix2dos wc who yes /sbin arp halt ifrename insmod iwevent iwpriv lighttpd lsmod poweroff rmmod start-stop-daemon syslogd vconfig getty ifconfig init iwconfig iwlist klogd logread pivot_root reboot route switch_root udhcpc /usr/local/bin 80211debug date.sh exr.sh hostapd_cli password sc_radio update_hostapd wpa_and_wpa2_psk art.sh db_enc firmware-error-check php set_radio_cron update_rfStatus wpa_supplicant assign_static_ip destroy_secondary_ip firmware-upgrade-file hostapd_tr set_timezone.sh update_wps_configured athdebug dhcp firmware-upgrade-stage2 nmbd_tr reset_hostapd.sh syslog urlValidate.php awddebug dns firmware-upgrade-tftp ntp restart-nmbd timezone validate-config-version.sh bridge_and_vlan_translator dumpregs firmware-upgrade-wget ntpclient restart-wifidog TZ.sh verify-config.sh client_bridge_tr dxr.sh hostapd ntpclient-wrapper restore-configuration udhcpc_wrapper wlanconfig ################################################################################ WNDAP350 Latest FW version: "web non-admin" user RCE Kernel-space: Linux "2.6.23-WNDAP350_V3.0.0.7 mod_unload MIPS32_R2 32BIT" User-space: BusyBox v1.11.0 (2015-06-18 21:22:24 IST) /bin addgroup busybox chgrp cp delgroup echo fgrep gunzip ip login mkdir mm mountpoint pidof printenv rm sh su touch uname watch adduser cat chmod date df egrep getopt gzip kill ls mknod more mv ping ps rmdir sleep sync true usleep zcat ash catv chown dd dmesg false grep hostname ln md mktemp mount nice pipe_progress pwd sed stat tar umount vi /usr/bin [ blink_gpio cmp dos2unix find fold hexdump length nandwrite pgrep reset_detect sha1sum telnet unix2dos whoami [[ bringdown_vaps crontab dropbearconvert firmware_upgrade_led_blink free id less nmeter printf resize sort test uptime wifidog ar bunzip2 curl dropbearkey flashcp ftpget ipcrm logger nohup printmd scp ssh tftp watchdog wr_mfg_data arping bzcat cut du flash_erase ftpput ipcs logname od readlink seq strings time wc xargs awk bzip2 dbclient dumpleases flash_eraseall fuser killall md5sum openssl renice set_ipv6_addr tac top wget yes basename cksum diff env flash_lock fw_printenv killall5 mesg panel_led reset set_manuinfo tail tty which bddatard clear dirname expr flash_unlock head last mkfifo passwd reset_button setsid tee uniq who /sbin arp getty ifconfig ifrename init iwconfig iwlist klogd logread lsmod pivot_root reboot route start-stop-daemon switch_root syslogd vconfig freeramdisk halt ifdown ifup insmod iwevent iwpriv lighttpd losetup modprobe poweroff rmmod runlevel sulogin sysctl udhcpc /usr/local/bin 80211debug date.sh dxr.sh hostapd_tr ntpdate qos_setdb_x snmp upmigration.sh art.sh db_enc exr.sh http_redirect_tr ntpdate-wrapper radartool ssh urlValidate.php assign_static_ip destroy_secondary_ip firmware-error-check led_amber pal.netgear reset_hostapd.sh support-debug.sh validate-config-version.sh assign_static_ipv6 dhcp firmware-upgrade-file led_green pal_translator restart-nmbd syslog verify-config.sh athdebug dibbler-client.sh firmware-upgrade-stage2 led_off password restart-wifidog sysmonitor.sh versions.sh awddebug dibbler-server.sh firmware-upgrade-tftp migration.sh php restore-configuration telnet wlanconfig bridge_and_vlan_translator dns firmware-upgrade-wget nmbd_tr pktCapture sc_radio timezone wpa_supplicant capture_app dump_config_logs_tr hostapd ntp prnt_wlan_buffs.sh set_radio_cron TZ.sh config_palcfg dumpregs ntpclient-wrapper qos_delete_qdiscs set_timezone.sh udhcpc_wrapper ################################################################################ WNDAP360 Latest FW version: "web non-admin" user RCE Kernel-space: Linux "2.6.23-WNDAP360_V3.0.0.7 mod_unload MIPS32_R2 32BIT" User-space: BusyBox v1.11.0 (2015-06-18 21:19:26 IST) /bin addgroup busybox chgrp cp delgroup echo fgrep gunzip ip login mkdir mm mountpoint pidof printenv rm sh su touch uname watch adduser cat chmod date df egrep getopt gzip kill ls mknod more mv ping ps rmdir sleep sync true usleep zcat ash catv chown dd dmesg false grep hostname ln md mktemp mount nice pipe_progress pwd sed stat tar umount vi /usr/bin [ bunzip2 cut dumpleases flash_lock head length nmeter printmd seq tac tty who [[ bzcat dbclient env flash_unlock hexdump less nohup readlink set_ipv6_addr tail uniq whoami ar bzip2 diff expr fold id logger od renice set_manuinfo tee unix2dos wifidog awk cksum dirname find free ipcrm logname openssl reset setsid telnet uptime wr_mfg_data basename clear dos2unix firmware_upgrade_led_blink ftpget ipcs md5sum panel_led reset_button sha1sum test watchdog xargs bddatard cmp dropbearconvert flashcp ftpput killall mesg passwd reset_detect sort tftp wc yes blink_gpio crontab dropbearkey flash_erase fuser killall5 mkfifo pgrep resize ssh time wget bringdown_vaps curl du flash_eraseall fw_printenv last nandwrite printf scp strings top which /sbin arp getty ifconfig ifrename init iwconfig iwlist klogd logread lsmod pivot_root reboot route start-stop-daemon switch_root syslogd vconfig freeramdisk halt ifdown ifup insmod iwevent iwpriv lighttpd losetup modprobe poweroff rmmod runlevel sulogin sysctl udhcpc /usr/local/bin 80211debug date.sh dxr.sh ntpclient-wrapper qos_delete_qdiscs set_timezone.sh udhcpc_wrapper art.sh db_enc exr.sh hostapd_tr ntpdate qos_setdb_x snmp upmigration.sh assign_static_ip destroy_secondary_ip firmware-error-check http_redirect_tr ntpdate-wrapper radartool ssh urlValidate.php assign_static_ipv6 dhcp firmware-upgrade-file led_amber pal.netgear reset_hostapd.sh support-debug.sh validate-config-version.sh athdebug dibbler-client.sh firmware-upgrade-ftp led_green pal_translator restart-nmbd syslog verify-config.sh awddebug dibbler-server.sh firmware-upgrade-stage2 led_off password restart-wifidog sysmonitor.sh versions.sh bridge_and_vlan_translator dns firmware-upgrade-tftp migration.sh php restore-configuration telnet wlanconfig capture_app dump_config_logs_tr firmware-upgrade-wget nmbd_tr pktCapture sc_radio timezone wpa_supplicant config_palcfg dumpregs hostapd ntp prnt_wlan_buffs.sh set_radio_cron TZ.sh ################################################################################ WNAP320 Latest FW version: "web non-admin" user RCE Kernel-space: Linux "2.6.23-WNAP320_V3.0.0.7 mod_unload MIPS32_R2 32BIT" User-space: BusyBox v1.11.0 (2015-06-18 21:25:40 IST) /bin addgroup busybox catv chown dd dmesg false grep hostname ln mkdir more mv ping ps rmdir sleep sync true usleep zcat adduser chgrp cp delgroup echo fgrep gunzip ip login mknod mount nice pipe_progress pwd sed stat tar umount vi ash cat chmod date df egrep getopt gzip kill ls mktemp mountpoint pidof printenv rm sh su touch uname watch /usr/bin [ blink_gpio cmp dos2unix find fold hexdump length nandwrite pgrep reset_detect sha1sum telnet unix2dos whoami [[ bringdown_vaps crontab dropbearconvert firmware_upgrade_led_blink free id less nmeter printf resize sort test uptime wifidog ar bunzip2 curl dropbearkey flashcp ftpget ipcrm logger nohup printmd scp ssh tftp watchdog wr_mfg_data arping bzcat cut du flash_erase ftpput ipcs logname od readlink seq strings time wc xargs awk bzip2 dbclient dumpleases flash_eraseall fuser killall md5sum openssl renice set_ipv6_addr tac top wget yes basename cksum diff env flash_lock fw_printenv killall5 mesg panel_led reset set_manuinfo tail tty which bddatard clear dirname expr flash_unlock head last mkfifo passwd reset_button setsid tee uniq who /sbin arp getty ifconfig ifrename init iwconfig iwlist klogd logread lsmod pivot_root reboot route start-stop-daemon switch_root syslogd vconfig freeramdisk halt ifdown ifup insmod iwevent iwpriv lighttpd losetup modprobe poweroff rmmod runlevel sulogin sysctl udhcpc /usr/local/bin 80211debug date.sh exr.sh http_redirect_tr pal.netgear restart-nmbd sysmonitor.sh wlanconfig art.sh db_enc firmware-error-check led_amber pal_translator restart-wifidog telnet wpa_supplicant assign_static_ip destroy_secondary_ip firmware-upgrade-file led_green password restore-configuration timezone assign_static_ipv6 dhcp firmware-upgrade-ftp led_off php sc_radio TZ.sh athdebug dibbler-client.sh firmware-upgrade-stage2 migration.sh pktCapture set_radio_cron udhcpc_wrapper awddebug dibbler-server.sh firmware-upgrade-tftp nmbd_tr prnt_wlan_buffs.sh set_timezone.sh upmigration.sh bridge_and_vlan_translator dns firmware-upgrade-wget ntp qos_delete_qdiscs snmp urlValidate.php capture_app dump_config_logs_tr hostapd ntpclient-wrapper qos_setdb_x ssh validate-config-version.sh client_bridge_tr dumpregs ntpdate radartool support-debug.sh verify-config.sh config_palcfg dxr.sh hostapd_tr ntpdate-wrapper reset_hostapd.sh syslog versions.sh ################################################################################ WNAP210 Latest FW version: "web non-admin" user RCE Kernel-space: Linux "2.6.23-WNAP210_V3.0.0.7 mod_unload MIPS32_R2 32BIT" User-space: BusyBox v1.11.0 (2015-06-18 21:34:15 IST) /bin addgroup busybox chgrp cp delgroup echo fgrep gunzip ip login mkdir mm mountpoint pidof printenv rm sh su touch uname watch adduser cat chmod date df egrep getopt gzip kill ls mknod more mv ping ps rmdir sleep sync true usleep zcat ash catv chown dd dmesg false grep hostname ln md mktemp mount nice pipe_progress pwd sed stat tar umount vi /usr/bin [ blink_gpio cmp dos2unix find fold hexdump led-op mkfifo pgrep reset_detect sha1sum telnet unix2dos whoami [[ bringdown_vaps crontab dropbearconvert firmware_upgrade_led_blink free id length nandwrite printf resize sort test uptime wifidog ar bunzip2 curl dropbearkey flashcp ftpget ipcrm less nmeter printmd scp ssh tftp watchdog wr_mfg_data arping bzcat cut du flash_erase ftpput ipcs logger nohup readlink seq strings time wc xargs awk bzip2 dbclient dumpleases flash_eraseall fuser killall logname od renice set_ipv6_addr tac top wget yes basename cksum diff env flash_lock fw_printenv killall5 md5sum openssl reset set_manuinfo tail tty which bddatard clear dirname expr flash_unlock head last mesg passwd reset_button setsid tee uniq who /sbin arp getty ifconfig ifrename init iwconfig iwlist klogd logread lsmod pivot_root reboot route start-stop-daemon switch_root syslogd vconfig freeramdisk halt ifdown ifup insmod iwevent iwpriv lighttpd losetup modprobe poweroff rmmod runlevel sulogin sysctl udhcpc /usr/local/bin 80211debug date.sh dxr.sh hostapd_tr ntpdate reset_hostapd.sh support-debug.sh validate-config-version.sh art.sh db_enc exr.sh http_redirect_tr ntpdate-wrapper restart-nmbd syslog verify-config.sh assign_static_ip destroy_secondary_ip firmware-error-check led_amber pal.netgear restart-wifidog sysmonitor.sh versions.sh assign_static_ipv6 dhcp firmware-upgrade-file led_green pal_translator restore-configuration telnet wlanconfig athdebug dibbler-client.sh firmware-upgrade-stage2 led_off password sc_radio timezone wpa_supplicant awddebug dibbler-server.sh firmware-upgrade-tftp migration.sh php set_radio_cron TZ.sh bridge_and_vlan_translator dns firmware-upgrade-wget nmbd_tr prnt_wlan_buffs.sh set_timezone.sh udhcpc_wrapper client_bridge_tr dump_config_logs_tr hostapd ntp qos_delete_qdiscs snmp upmigration.sh config_palcfg dumpregs ntpclient-wrapper qos_setdb_x ssh urlValidate.php ################################################################################ WNDAP620 Latest FW version: 2.0.8 "web non-admin" user RCE Kernel-space: Linux " mod_unload PowerPC/cisco4500 32BIT MSB" User-space: /bin addgroup busybox chgrp cp delgroup echo fgrep gunzip ip login mknod mount nice ping6 ps rmdir sleep sync true usleep zcat adduser cat chmod date df egrep getopt gzip kill ls mktemp mountpoint pidof pipe_progress pwd sed stat tar umount vi ash catv chown dd dmesg false grep hostname ln mkdir more mv ping printenv rm sh su touch uname watch /usr/bin [ bunzip2 dbclient expr free ipcs mesg readlink setsid test wget [[ bzcat diff find ftpget killall mkfifo renice sha1sum tftp which ar bzip2 dirname firmware_upgrade_led_blink ftpput killall5 nandwrite reset sort time who arping cksum dos2unix flashcp fuser last nmeter reset_button ssh top whoami awk clear dropbearconvert flash_erase fw_printenv length nohup resize strings tty wifidog basename cmp dropbearkey flash_eraseall head less od passwd scp tac uniq wr_mfg_data bddatard c_rehash du flash_lock hexdump logger openssl pgrep seq tail unix2dos xargs blink_gpio crontab dumpleases flash_unlock id logname printf set_ipv6_addr tee uptime yes bringdown_vaps cut env fold ipcrm md5sum printmd set_manuinfo telnet wc /sbin arp halt ifrename init iwevent klogd lldpd lsmod poweroff route sulogin syslogd freeramdisk ifconfig ifrename-compress-1 insmod iwlist lighttpd logread modprobe reboot runlevel switch_root udhcpc getty ifdown ifup iwconfig iwpriv lldpctl losetup pivot_root rmmod start-stop-daemon sysctl vconfig /usr/local/bin assign_static_ip dibbler-client.sh exr.sh set_radio_cron assign_static_ipv6 dibbler-relay firmware-error-check libelf.def set_timezone.sh bridge_and_vlan_translator firmware-upgrade-file libelf.h pktCapture snmp capture_app dibbler_relay-DHCPRelay.o firmware-upgrade-ftp libelf.so poe_test ssh date.sh dibbler_relay-dibbler-relay.o firmware-upgrade-stage2 libelf.so.0 migration.sh prnt_wlan_buffs.sh syslog db_enc dibbler-requestor firmware-upgrade-tftp libelf.so.0.8.13 nmbd_tr qos_delete_qdiscs tc destroy_secondary_ip dibbler_requestor-Requestor.o firmware-upgrade-wget ntp qos_setdb_x telnet dhcp dibbler-server hostapd_tr ntpclient qos_translator timezone dibbler-client http_redirect_tr ntpclient-wrapper radvd TZ.sh dibbler_server-DHCPServer.o ipsd ntpdate reset_hostapd.sh udhcpc_wrapper dibbler_server-dibbler-server.o led_amber ntpdate-wrapper restart-nmbd urlValidate.php dibbler-server.sh led_green password restart-wifidog validate-config-version.sh dibbler_client-DHCPClient.o dns led_off mailsend php restore-configuration verify-config.sh dibbler_client-dibbler-client.o dxr.sh libelf.a sc_radio ################################################################################ WNDAP660 Latest FW version: 2.0.5 "web non-admin" user RCE Kernel-space: Linux " mod_unload PowerPC/cisco4500 32BIT MSB" User-space: BusyBox v1.11.0 (2015-05-11 20:42:48 IST) /bin addgroup busybox catv chown dd dmesg false grep hostname ln md mktemp mount nice ping6 ps rmdir sleep sync true usleep zcat adduser chgrp cp delgroup echo fgrep gunzip ip login mkdir mm mountpoint pidof pipe_progress pwd sed stat tar umount vi ash cat chmod date df egrep getopt gzip kill ls mknod more mv ping printenv rm sh su touch uname watch /usr/bin [ bunzip2 dbclient expr free ipcs mesg readlink setsid test wget [[ bzcat diff find ftpget killall mkfifo renice sha1sum tftp which ar bzip2 dirname firmware_upgrade_led_blink ftpput killall5 nandwrite reset sort time who arping cksum dos2unix flashcp fuser last nmeter reset_button ssh top whoami awk clear dropbearconvert flash_erase fw_printenv length nohup resize strings tty wifidog basename cmp dropbearkey flash_eraseall head less od passwd scp tac uniq wr_mfg_data bddatard c_rehash du flash_lock hexdump logger openssl pgrep seq tail unix2dos xargs blink_gpio crontab dumpleases flash_unlock id logname printf set_ipv6_addr tee uptime yes bringdown_vaps cut env fold ipcrm md5sum printmd set_manuinfo telnet wc /sbin arp halt ifrename init iwevent klogd lldpd lsmod poweroff route sulogin syslogd freeramdisk ifconfig insmod iwlist lighttpd logread modprobe reboot runlevel switch_root udhcpc getty ifdown ifup iwconfig iwpriv lldpctl losetup pivot_root rmmod start-stop-daemon sysctl vconfig /usr/local/bin assign_static_ip dibbler_client-dibbler-client.o dxr.sh libelf.a sc_radio assign_static_ipv6 dibbler-client.sh exr.sh set_radio_cron bridge_and_vlan_translator dibbler-relay firmware-error-check libelf.def set_timezone.sh capture_app firmware-upgrade-file libelf.h pktCapture snmp config-chainmask.sh dibbler_relay-DHCPRelay.o firmware-upgrade-ftp libelf.so poe_test ssh date.sh dibbler_relay-dibbler-relay.o firmware-upgrade-stage2 libelf.so.0 migration.sh prnt_wlan_buffs.sh syslog db_enc dibbler-requestor firmware-upgrade-tftp libelf.so.0.8.13 nmbd_tr qos_delete_qdiscs tc destroy_secondary_ip dibbler_requestor-Requestor.o firmware-upgrade-wget ntp qos_setdb_x telnet dhcp dibbler-server hostapd_tr ntpclient qos_translator timezone dibbler-client http_redirect_tr ntpclient-wrapper radvd TZ.sh dibbler_server-DHCPServer.o ipsd ntpdate reset_hostapd.sh udhcpc_wrapper dibbler_server-dibbler-server.o led_amber ntpdate-wrapper restart-nmbd urlValidate.php dibbler-server.sh led_green password restart-wifidog validate-config-version.sh dibbler_client-DHCPClient.o dns led_off mailsend php restore-configuration verify-config.sh